Upon the tower's summit, weakened and frail,
Romeus, encased in chitinous armor, sets the tale.
Blades protrude from his suit, ready to fight,
As Duncan and Tornik confront him with all their might.
Lord Eric, clumsy in his aid, joins the fray,
While Iona keeps her distance, leading the way.
Kenrick retrieves the staff, divine energy he wields,
To destroy it, a power that Romeus never yields.
Weakened further, the battle rages on,
Romeus strikes, knocking Duncan, nearly gone.
But Iona, with vines, restrains him tight,
Duncan pulls himself up, ready to ignite.
Yet an accident by Lord Eric sets Romeus free,
His damaged armor is a sight for all to see.
The party, weary, their stamina low,
Press on, facing their formidable foe.
Duncan recovers, sidestepping Romeus' wrath,
A spiked mace strikes, paving the path.
Down, down to the ground, Romeus does fall,
Defeated, the Avatar, is no longer standing tall.
The battle ceases, a momentary pause,
As Vineknights shed their plantlike cause.
Their hosts regain free will, minds restored,
Victorious, the party stands, their strength adored.
In the aftermath, wounds are tended to and healed,
The heroes, triumphant, from their trials revealed.